Thursday, March 18, 2010

Progress of the Angará

The project of the new pitcher Angará advances to a rhythm slower than sure, but it advances. The family of rockets Angará uses two different modules named URM (УРМ, Универсальный Ракетный Модуль, "Universal Modules - rockets"). The URM-1, with 133 tons of fuel (kerosine and LOX), use an engine RD-191 and they will be used in the first stage of the pitcher. The URM-2, with 36 tons of fuel, uses an engine RD-0124A (14D23) - the same employee in the rockets Soyuz-2.1b - of 194,3 kN and 359 s, constructed by the company KB Khimavtomatiki, and it will be used in the second stage.
From the last April, the company Khrúnichev - principal contractor of the Angará - has carried out tests of ignition of the module URM-1 in the facilities IS-102 of NITs RKP (ancient NII KhIMMASh), close to the city of Peresvet. In whole there have been realized three series of tests of ignition (OSI), the last one on November 26 of last year.

You try the URM-1 in the installation IS-102 (Khrúnichev).
And after the URM-1, now l and it touches the shift to the URM-2, which has been already transported to the IS-102 by the beginning of the tests of ignition, which will take place during the next months. The URM there are constructed by PO Polyot, company that is part of the complex Khrúnichev.

The URM-2 in the IS-102 (Khrúnichev).
The Angará 1.1, with 2 tons of capacity in LEO, will only use an URM-1 of the first stage and a Briz-KM del Rockot like the second phase. The Angará 1.2, with 3,7 tons in LEO, will be the primea version with an URM-2. The first throwing of the Angará is foreseen for 2012.

The family Angará de Khrúnichev.

The Angará 1.1 (Khrunichev).

The first stage of the rocket surcoreano KSLV-1 is basically similar to the URM-1 of the Angará.

A model of the Angará 1.1 along with a Kosmos-3M in the factory of PO Polyot (PO Polyot).

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